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Satire example

My satire Video and planning

Video outline

Huckleberry finn

Chapters 1-5


  • ​Huck gets taken in as miss watson, widow Douglas' own.

  • Huck sneaks out .

  • Watson and widow  try to teach Huck about Heaven and hell , etc.

  • some body washes up on the river.

  • Huck meets his father





Time period


The book Huckleberry Finn takes place in the 1830s-40s  , where slavery was legal, and there was a lot of alchohol etc.



Point of view impact on the story


The point of view impacts the story because dependig on who is speaking tells you a lot on how they feel about the situation, and what happended in their eyes.



Chapters 5-11


1. Explain why pap has Huck locked up?

Pap didn't want for Huck to keep going to school and learning.


2. Create a visual representation of how Huck escaped the Shanty.


3. " Low down abolitionist and dispise me for keeping mum." in reference of Jim running away... explain what it means to be a abolitionist , and why Huck  is concerned about being called one . * Both time period and setting:

To be an abolitionist means to be a person who favors the abolition of a practice or institution , especially capital punishment or slavery.

4. What are the several things that give Huck away when he pretends to be a girls? What are three different things that would give away each gender in the same situation?

"Sarah Williams , the murderer of Huck Finn." Everyone thought it was either Pap or Jim who killed Huck. Huck was given up when he told others his name was "Mary  Williams" on accident, then someone confronted him and told him they knew he was a runaway apprentice.



Chapter 12-16 


1. What is the story of King Solomon & his child? How does Jim interpret that story?

From Hebrew Bible, King Solomon of Israel ruked between 2 women both claiming to be the mother of a child. Solomon revealed their true feelings and relationships to the child, by suggesting to cut the baby in half so they could share.


2. When Jim wakes up after their seperation in the fog, what does Jim's reaction to Huck's  joke tell you about him? How do you feel about Jim at this point?

Jim realizes it actually happened and sulked it off because he thought it was mean and cruel to play that kind of trick on him,  this says Jim is sensitive and " Butt hurt" about  it. I feel that Jim is a sweet slave but if you get on his bad side things might go down hill.


3. Jim is very supersticoius . From a historical standpoint , why do you think this is?

Huck is always killing spiders which is considered bad luck, The hairball that told them the future, and the snake skin that has been giving them good and bad luck supposedly .

4. " It was 15 minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger, but I done it, and I warn't ever sorry about it afterwards neither." What does this line tell us about himself?

Huck didn't want to apologize to a black man , but then he ends up deciding to do it and he was very proud of himslef.This says he isn't sure how he feels about black people yet. 

5.At the end of the  chapter 16 Huck is struggling with giving Jim up. Outline the battle that he has with himself, and explain his actions when the  men come up looking for the 5 escaped slaves.

Huck is feeling guilty for not wanting to let Jim go,  he knows he is breaking the law, but Jim is Huck's friend. Huck lies to the men who were looking for the 5 escaped slaves , and tells them his family is with him on the raft instead of him and Jim, and they get 2 Twenty dollar coins out of it.



Chapters 17-21


1.  Describe the Grangerford family (Chapter 17 &18).

very wealthy family,  pre- civil war,  they all have thier own servants,  live on a lot of land.

2.Mark Twain alludes that the feud between the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons is about traditional feuds between farmer (“granger”) and rancher (“shepherd”). Why would  he write this into the novel? What does it say about these two occupations at this (Chapter 18)?


3.Toward the end of chapter 18 Huck says “I don’t want to talk much about the next day. I reckon I’ll cut it pretty short.” Huck says this prior to telling us about the big battle. How does our narrator’s perspective play a role in what we think and feel reading this section  (Chapter 18)?

4.Explain who the King and the Duke are. Why does Huck go along with their story (Chapter19)?

5.What problems do you anticipate with the Duke’s solution to how they can all run the raft during the day (Chapter 20)?

6. Illustrate the town that the play will be held in (Chapter 21).


Chapters 22-27


1.At the very end of chapter 22 we see the handbill that the king and the duke will pass out. The duke says “if that line don’t fetch them, I don’t know Arkansaw!” Why would the line at  the bottom of the handbill work to get people into the play?

” Ladies and children not admitted” and that would work people into the play, they would want to see why women and children weren’t allowed to go see the play. Men would  want to go because they could have a night away from their family.

2.Towards the end of chapter 23 we see this line: “What was the use to tell Jim these warn’t  real kings and dukes? It wouldn’t a done no good; and besides, it was just as I said; you  couldn’t tell them from the real kind.” a.Why doesn’t Huck see the use in telling Jim? b.What does Huck mean by “you couldn’t tell them from the real kind.”?

Huck doesn’t see the point in telling Jim that the King and Duke aren’t real because they seem real so it’s easier that way. Since they were con artists, they had  been faking being real and it tricked everyone.

3.The final line in chapter 24 reads: “It was enough to make a body ashamed of the human race.” What is Huck talking about? What does it tell us (the reader) about Huck that he feels  this way?

 The King and Duke  crying over Peter also faking to be his brothers. It's ridiculous that the King and Duke were going to scam people like that.

4.In chapter 25 we meet the doctor. How does the doctor know that the king and the duke are a fraud?

The doctor knows they are frauds because of their accents and how they speak. He warns Mary Jane and the townspeople but they don’t listen because of how generous the  King has been so  to them.
                     5.The king and the duke consider leaving in the middle of the night with the money (chapter  26). Why don’t they?

 King and the Duke decided to not leave in the middle of the night, the King wanted to get more money .

Chapters 27-30


1.Why did people stay up with the dead during this time period? (Chapter 27)

People stayed up with the dead during this time , wanted to keep insects and rodents away from the body.


2.What do we learn (or reaffirm) about Huck when he tells Miss Mary Jane the slaves will see their family again in inside of two weeks? (Chapter 28)

 Huck is having a change of heart about lying with the King and the Duke , he feels bad about everything happening to the three girls.  He told Mary Jane about what was going on, making his morals  chang since  he agreed to help the King and the Duke.


3.What were the two methods the townspeople used to try to identify who the brothers were and who the frauds were? (Chapter 29)

 The methods the townspeople used to find the frauds was the handwriting. suspects wrote a sentence and signed their name and then compared it to letters that were written by the real brothers. Next method was asking what tattoo was on Peter’s chest. Real brothers  know as the frauds would have arrived after Peter was in the coffin.​


Chapters 31-35

1.Huck says “You can’t pray a lie.” What lie is he trying to pray about? What does he mean? (Chapter 31)

Huck was praying about becoming a better boy. He knew that his heart wasn’t in the right place. sneaking Jim away  was a terrible thing, and for everything  he wanted to pray away all of his “sins”.

2. Why does Huck tear up the letter he writes? (Chapter 31)

Huck tore up the letter because he thought he wasn’t meant to be a good boy and Jim was more important than  losing a good friend.


3.Huck is disappointed that Tom would help him steal Jim. He says “Tom Sawyer fell, considerable, in my estimation. Only I couldn’t believe it. Tom Sawyer a nigger stealer!” What do you think of this? (Chapter 33)

 Tom Sawyer wanted to help a friend , so helped Huck free Tim.  Huck is  thinking of him in a bad way. Huck had been surprised because Tom did the right thin, while Huck knew that it  would go against Tom.

4.Huck says two things at the end of chapter 33:
1.“Human beings can be awful cruel to one another.”
2.“But that’s always the way: it don’t make no difference whether you do right or wrong, a person’s conscience ain’t got no sense, and just goes for him anyway.”
What does Huck mean by these two statements?

 “Human beings can be awful cruel to one another.”,  Huck was saying that since the King and the Duke were captured and tied down, he felt bad for them since they were trapped.  “But that’s always the way: it don’t make no difference whether you do right or wrong, a person’s conscience ain’t go no sense, and just goes for him anyway.”, Huck is saying  how his conscience was bugging  him, for feeling guilty about King, Duke being captured and him not being there with them.

5.Why are Tom and Huck looking for a more difficult way to break Jim free? (Chapter 34)

 Tom and Huck looked for a way to break Jim out because they didn’t want a to be noticed. With being noticed they mighthave given someone the impressionthat they were bad people etc.

Chapters 36-40

1. Tom’s wanted  a boring plan that no one would remember. He wanted his family and people in the town to think of him whenever they think of a runaway slave. Huck’s motivation was to help free Jim from slavery. He feels bad that he and Jim are close and then he got caught, leading him feeling really guilty. He realized  Jim was a good friend to him.
2.  Families started to notice that their things going missing. Aunt Sally's  missing shirt and spoon and then  slaves noticed a missing sheet and candlestick. A nail they stuck in Uncle Silas’ hat,  fell out and they  figured out another way to get the nail to Jim, and another spoon since the missing one was found. 
3. Tom was writing warning letters because he needed a distraction. He wanted  to make his plan longer and well thought . He wanted to get the family scared so they'd be extra cautious the night of the escape.
4.  Huck and Tom is satire because it makes fun of how some plans help someone escape from something can be  out of hand and far out there taking more work than needed
5.  “I knowed he was white inside”  Jim was worried about Tom’s leg that was shot . Stereotypes about slaves were  weren’t thought to be friends with white people.

Chapters 41-End

1. Huck felt bad that she was treating him so good when he and Tom were lying to her about who they were. He thought he didn’t deserve it.

​2. Jim wanted to help.  Tom  helped him escape. He was going to  risk his freedom to help save Tom. 

3. Tom exposed his and Huck’s plan about freeing Jim to Aunt Sally. He  slept, the doctor helped his leg. 

​4. His character learns and  developes  morals . Mark Twain kept Huck in line throughout the book which I think is cool for him to have a friend looking out for him etc,. Also seeing everything from Huck's point of view, kept the story interesting, because you were always wondering what other people in the story' point of view would be like .



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